As a result of a successful Pacific Aotearoa Summit, the Ministry for Pacific Peoples (MPP) is taking the show on the road.
On Friday (March 22), the Minister for Pacific Peoples Hon. Aupito William Sio and the MPP team will be in Hamilton for the first of a series of Lalanga Fou Fono - Tulī Takes Flight events staged around regional Aotearoa throughout 2019.
Northern Region Senior Advisor for MPP Luaipou Michael Savelio speaking on behalf of the Tuli takes Flight Lalanga Fou Project Team says the success of the Pacific Aotearoa was due to a lot of hard work, commitment, contribution and support.
“The upcoming fono will continue the success of MPP’s work in engaging once again with our Pacific communities in the regions,” Luaipou says.
The Lalanga Fou Fono - Tulī Takes Flight fono comes on the back of the announcement that the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) will invest $8.85 million to expand the Pacific Employment Support Service into the greater Waikato, Manawatu-Whanganui, Otago, Bay of Plenty, Hawke’s Bay and Murihuku/Southland regions.
A key purpose of the fono is to discuss the service and its expansion along with MPP’s vision priority areas.
With a clear strategic direction, MPP can ensure that, over the next three years and beyond, we can continue to unlock opportunities and provide the support needed to further develop and expand the contribution Pacific people are making towards Aotearoa’s future growth and prosperity.
This Friday’s fono in Hamilton will also allow the MPP team to reconnect with Pacific communities and share the vision and priority areas identified in the Lalanga Fou report, while highlighting opportunities which have risen since the November 2018 Summit.
As part of the phase two work on the Pacific Vision, these fono are an opportunity to incubate and highlight innovations from within these regions that align to the Lalanga Fou goal areas, and set the scene for phase three (Connect and Influence) of the Pacific vision work and reporting back to Government on outcomes achieved.
The theme for the fono is Tulī Takes Flight, driven on the purpose of sharing outcomes and opportunities linked to Lalanga Fou with Pacific communities.
“In effect, this means the Ministry, the Government working closely in partnerships with communities to ensure decisions meet the needs of those impacted,” Luaipou says.
When: March 22 (5.30pm – 9pm)
Where: The Link Community Centre, 4 Te Aroha Street, Hamilton.