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Workwise supports South Auckland community

Workwise supports South Auckland community

  • 29 Aug 2020
Workwise team

Aware of the challenges COVID-19 is causing in the Pacific community, Workwise is doing its bit to lend a helping hand. 

The Tupu Aotearoa service provider works with people who are facing personal or health challenges, and supports them to return to or stay in employment on a daily basis. 

As part of the Tupu Aotearoa stable of providers, it assists Pacific people find employment, complete further training, or studies. 

With the recent COVID-19 resurgence in Auckland, Workwise has branched out to offer help where it is most needed, Service and Relationship Manager Richard Bell says. 

“We have been very aware the lockdown would cause stress and hardships to those using our services including food instability,” Richard says. 

“In the last week, the Workwise Tupu Aotearoa team delivered 110 meals to 11 families of those using the Tupu Aotearoa service and we will continue to contact all service users in the coming days to look at providing emergency food and face coverings.” 

The team has also been providing all those using the service with information about food banks and referral information to ensure they have ongoing support for essential supplies as time goes on, Richard adds.   

“People are having to self-isolate and social distance and this does not always align with us being a collective community - not being able to go to church and sporting events or visit family members has taken its toll on some of our community.” 

Meanwhile, some people are having to work reduced hours, or worse, have lost their jobs, so this has a heavy impact financially. 

“It has highlighted some major areas of disparity, such as food insecurity and housing issues.” 

It has been important to let the community know that there is support available, and Workwise and the wider Wise Group are committed to supporting the communities to develop and flourish - in times of crisis we all need to work together, Richard says. 

He adds the desire to help those in need right now also aligns with the Workwise vision and mission.   

“If we can lessen the load for people at this challenging time and help them with their personal challenges, they will be better equipped to achieve their personal career and educational goals. 

“We want to give people hope we can get through this pandemic together - working together moves mountains.” 

Visit MPP for more information about Tupu Aotearoa.