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Pacific Business Village

Pacific Business Village

The Pacific Business Village initiative was launched in Tauranga on 29 April 2022.

The initiative has been established to support sustained growth in the Pacific business sector and to provide a strategic framework for long-term economic development for Pacific businesses nationwide.

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Central to the operation of the Village and creating a Pacific circular economy, are the following funding components: 

  1. Pacific Business Network (Networks) - The Networks will hold responsibility for identifying, coordinating and connecting with Pacific businesses within their respective regions. Networks will partner Pacific businesses with local Pacific Business Providers to support their development and capability.
  2. Pacific Business Providers (Providers) - Providers, including Pacific Business Trust (PBT), will work with Pacific businesses to build their capability and expertise. Services will be localised where possible and will be tailored to meet the needs of Pacific businesses.
  3. Pacific Businesses - Direct investment will go to Pacific Businesses to develop practical business nous and be supported to accelerate their growth, capability, and capacity. Ease of access to culturally appropriate support services will enable Pacific businesses to develop their resilience and operate sustainably in the long-term.

Questions and enquiries about the Pacific Business Village can be directed to [email protected].

Expansion of the Pacific Business Village

In 2022, the Ministry hosted an event in Mangere, to announce round three of the Pacific Aotearoa Community Outreach (PACO) Fund to support Social Enterprise and to launch the expansion of the Pacific Business Village to Auckland.

The event brought together over 100 Auckland Pacific business leaders, communities, social enterprises, and government agencies to launch the following funding initiatives under the Pacific Business Village umbrella:

  • Network Provider RFP round two* - for Pacific Business Networks in Auckland and other regions (excluding regions already covered under the current Pacific Business Village) to identify, coordinate, and provide pastoral care to Pacific businesses.
  • Service Provider RFP round two* - for Pacific Service Providers to deliver capability and capacity training to Pacific businesses to scale and grow.
  • Tauola Business Fund round two - to support Pacific Businesses into sustained growth. More information on this fund is detailed below.  

    *View these RFPs on GETS

Providers and Networks

As part of the Pacific Business Village, the Ministry for Pacific Peoples funds the following providers and networks to provide support to Pacific businesses:

  • Fale Pasifika Te Tai Tokerau
  • Pacific Growth Services
  • Elika Consulting Group
  • Spacific Consultancy/Orion
  • HTK Group
  • Pacific Business Hub
  • Waikato Pacific Business Network
  • Pacific Business Trust
  • Pacific Trust Otago
  • Pacific Business Collective
  • Wellington Pasifika Business Network

Tauola Business Fund

A key priority of the Pacific Business Village is the Tauola Business Fund, providing direct investment into Pacific businesses to accelerate their long-term growth and help establish their business. 

More information is available here: Tauola Business Fund